Author/Coach Speaking Opportunities

What do you want to do?

  1. I’d like to participate in podcasts I can use to build my brand and audience.
  2. I’m interested in giving lectures and presentations via webinars.
  3. I’d like to turn my message and book into a mobile delivered course.
  4. I’m interested in providing my coaching services to my classmates at my alma mater.
  5. I'd like to write and share blog articles with students, grads, and alumni.

Let's get you to the solutions you need!


Grad CareerFestival

Surveys show the majority of students have not invested time in career and professional development skills and as a result they lack the confidence, skills, and knowledge they need to launch and lead successful careers. You are invited to share a 20–30-minute talk that featured three tips built around you messaging. Students from across the globe will have a chance to hear and connect with you.


CareerTalk Podcast

Podcasts are great content builders to add to your website, eNewletters, emails and landing pages. Let’s do a podcast together so you can repurpose the content through your social media and build up your thought leadership and client base.


Career Speaker Series

Associations, membership organizations, job boards, and clubs are looking for professional development programming to provide their members. Our Career Speaker Series delivers a weekly lecture their members can participate in. We’ll create a profile page, speaker page, links to your book, social media and website for the audience to reach out to you.


Offer Your Coaching Services

Our Career Speaker Series now gives organizations the ability to include a professional directory their members can access. We can provide the Career Speaker Series to your alumni association and feature you as a coach, speaker, or expert alumni can engage with or invite you to participate in their company training programs.


Let’s Create a Course Together

You’ve invested the time to write a book, why not create a mini course that provides your audience modules, badges, and certificates? You know better than most that you can’t retire off the residuals of the book you wrote. You can create a new revenue stream by creating a course that supports the premise and information you share in your book. We’ll show you how!

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What authors and coaches say!


I’ve got more time now that I retired to give back some of the “time and talent” my alumni association has asked of me. I enjoy knowing the individuals I am coaching are students that are walking the same paths, taking the same courses, and dealing with the same issues I did as a student.

Retired mentor

The Career Speaker Series offers us a no effort way to deliver 36 scheduled career events without having travel costs and event hosting costs. It’s the most affordable way to increase participation of alumni around the world.

Resume Author

The professional directory in the Career Speaker Series puts me in front of former classmates and fellow alumni from my alma mater. I think that increases the trust between me and my clients and it definitely helps build a relationship on common ground.

Executive coach

I’ve always had a soft spot when it comes to helping recent graduates launch their careers and found participating in the Grad CareerFestival to be an effortless way I could reach more students with less effort to help make a difference in their lives. It’s effortless, you should do it!

Interview Author

Since the pandemic, I’ve been able to connect with and coach people around the world. Now that my alma mater is providing the Career Speaker Series, I’m able to expand my practice to alumni literally around the world. It’s been fun!

Spiritual coach

The Chalenj course technology is a remarkable way to add new revenue lines to my business. I took the materials from my book and with the help of the TalentMarks team, quickly created a mobile friendly course that includes badging and certificates.

Book author